In this report, Insight Investment applies its policy on corporate governance and corporate responsibility to all the assets that it manages and engages with companies to encourage them to adopt high standards on key social, environmental and ethical issues. Insight has an interest as well as a responsibility to do this because shareholder value can be affected by a wide range of environmental, social, human rights and security issues, as well as the full range of financial and broader economic factors. Biodiversity is just one of the issues that can contribute to the risks and opportunities faced by a given company. Companies may face difficulties gaining permission and social license to operate in new sites, as well as liabilities, damage to reputation and increased operating costs unless they can demonstrate high standards with respect to biodiversity. As an identifiable and contributory risk, ‘biodiversity risk' is increasingly receiving specific attention by companies. This report sets out this organization's work to improve the understanding of this risk and its potential impact on the value of investments.