The book was developed by David Burke, an experienced conservation planner, and Joel Dunn, Program Coordinator of The Conservation Fund’s Sustainable Chesapeake initiative. The initiative builds on The Conservation Fund’s record of land and water conservation with tools that lead to smarter conservation and development, increases the capacity of regional groups and agencies to solve conservation issues and demonstrates sustainable economies.
The case studies show the many dimensions of land and water conservation through a standardized, user-friendly format that includes photos, diagrams, tables, facts and concepts that people and organizations can draw from to solve local conservation challenges.
Download Sea Level Rise: Maryland’s Model for Adapting to Change here
Download A Carbon Footprint Analysis and Forest Carbon Sequestration Pilot Program: Climate Leadership by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources here
Download A Climate Change Challenge: Focusing Public Attention on Sea Level Rise and Storm Surge Threats in the Chesapeake Bay here
And download the book, A Sustainable Chesapeake: Better Models for Conservation, here