Thank you for your interest in reusing content from the Ecosystem Marketplace.
All materials on our site are copyrighted. If you are a non-commercial publication, we are happy to have you reproduce content under the Ecosystem Marketplace name.
To use an article in a print publication, you must credit the author and the Ecosystem Marketplace as the source and include the web site address:; for example: Copyright © 2006, The Ecosystem Marketplace,
To republish an Ecosystem Marketplace article on your web site you must credit the author and the Ecosystem Marketplace as the source and include a clickable link to the Ecosystem Marketplace at
Please contact us, if you are going to reprint an article by e-mailing, making sure to mention the name of the article and where and when it will be published.
To link to the article on the Ecosystem Marketplace site you can use a text link without any restrictions (you don’t even have to let us know, although we would appreciate it, if you did).
If you are using the content for commercial purposes of any kind, you must contact the author of the article in question as the authors retain commercial rights to their work.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
The Ecosystem Marketplace Team