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Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Notice of Availability for Draft Recovery Crediting Guidance

This document is intended to provide guidance on the development,management, and use of recovery credits as a measure for mitigating adverse effects to and contributions to the recovery of species listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973,as amended (ESA). The guidance should assist Service personnel in determining the applicability of […]

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Guidebook to Markets and Commercialization of Forestry CDM projects'

By Neef and Sanders

Given the little experience gained on trading CERs from forestry projects, this guide aims at providing information to project developers about markets and commercialization of CERs from forestry projects. The guide takes the reader through the development stages of a CDM forestry project; the specific characteristics of forestry CERs and the demand for this type […]

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Voluntary Carbon Markets:

By Ricardo Bayon, Amanda Hawn, & Katherine Hamilton

Designed to support the growth of the voluntary carbon market, this book, Voluntary Carbon Markets, offers a much-needed resource for investors, business executives, consumers, and others, explaining in detail how this market works, its potential for growth, and how to get involved. “The Voluntary Carbon Market describes a remarkable area of innovation in the fight […]

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Mitigation News v2.1

This daily conference newsletter was produced to provide participants with feature articles on relevant issuses and to provide summary and insight on the previous day’s sessions.

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Why Invest in Ecosystem Services: A Business Brief from Forest Trends

By Jackie Prince Roberts

Growing recognition of the value of ecosystem services creates strategic risks and opportunities for companies. Forest Trends' "Why Invest in Ecosystem Services: A Business Brief from Forest Trends" provides a short overview of these emerging issues, and discusses how investments in ecosystem services can be used as a management tool and can create an array […]

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Mitigation News v2.3

This daily conference newsletter was produced to provide participants with feature articles on relevant issuses and to provide summary and insight on the previous day’s sessions.

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A New Markets for Environmental Services: A Corporate Manager's Guide to Trading in Air, Climate, Water, and Biodiversity Assets

The natural environment provides society with essential services—such as clean air and reliable flows of clean water—which are increasingly being valued in financial terms. Environmental markets— some regulatory and others voluntary—are now trading credits as well as derivatives. Regulatory environmental markets are operating in Europe, the U.S., Australia and other countries around the world. Voluntary […]

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An Initial Ranking of the Condition of Watersheds Containing NFS Land: Approach and Merthodology

By Brown, Froemke

Though specifically looking at watersheds in the United States, this tool looks to inform on the necessary steps for evaluating the condition of watersheds and determine protections that will be most effective.

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Katoomba News v1.4

This daily conference newsletter was produced to provide participants with feature articles on relevant issuses and to provide summary and insight on the previous day’s sessions.

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Katoomba News v1.3

This daily conference newsletter was produced to provide participants with feature articles on relevant issuses and to provide summary and insight on the previous day’s sessions.