State of the Blue Carbon Market
An Ocean of Potential
By Tundi AgardyMany countries have already catalyzed major action toward carbon emissions reductions through reducing deforestation, forest degradation, conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+). The opportunities for ocean and coastal ecosystems to complement these mitigation efforts are many and are aided by the extensive experience gained through forest carbon initiatives. However, […]
2024 State of the Voluntary Carbon Market (SOVCM)
Ecosystem Marketplace (EM) publishes our annual State of the Voluntary Carbon Market (SOVCM) report–a series now approaching the two-decade mark–to provide a comprehensive overview of the global supply and demand of voluntary carbon credits. We interview and collect annual disclosures from market participants representing the majority of project developers and credit resellers, and combine this […]
2023 State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Report
By Ecosystem Marketplace, a Forest Trends initiativeIn the lead-up to COP28, Ecosystem Marketplace published its flagship 2023 State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets report covering the latest prices, trends, and insights related to international voluntary carbon markets. The report was launched on November 28 at 10:00 am ET / 1500 GMT+1 during Ecosystem Marketplace’s Insights Briefing webinar – watch the recording […]
2023 All in on Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies
EM’s 2023 corporate voluntary buyers report, “All in on Climate: The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Strategies,” is the first major update to its landmark “Taking Stock” report series since 2016. The analysis looks specifically at the climate-related behavior of companies purchasing voluntary project-based carbon credits for their own use compared with companies […]
The Art of Integrity
Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2022 Q3
Pursuing quality during a period of explosive growth – VCM value in 2021 quadrupled over 2020! New Ecosystem Marketplace data shows that total market value for voluntary carbon markets transactions in 2021 was nearly $2B, with a surge in transactions coming late in the year. That is a nearly four-fold increase from 2020 transactions ($520 […]
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Ecosystem Marketplace’s State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2021
By Ecosystem Marketplace, a Forest Trends initiative
UPDATE: Voluntary Carbon Markets Top $1 Billion in 2021 with Newly Reported Trades, a Special Ecosystem Marketplace COP26 Bulletin (November 2021) 15 September 2021 | In the first eight months of 2021, voluntary carbon markets have already posted a near-60% increase in value from last year, driven by corporate net-zero ambition and growing interest in […]
A Green Growth Spurt, State of Forest Carbon Finance 2021
By Ecosystem Marketplace, a Forest Trends initiative
Ecosystem Marketplace’s report, A Green Growth Spurt: State of Forest Carbon Finance 2021 (last iteration in 2017), published in collaboration with the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility of the World Bank, shows that funding to conserve and increase carbon stored in global forests has more than doubled in the last four years. However, forest carbon finance […]
Buyers of Voluntary Carbon Offsets, a Regional Analysis – State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2020
The third installment, featuring European and North American Buyers Offsets Prices, Volumes, and Insights
By Ecosystem Marketplace, a Forest Trends initiativeCarbon markets are booming. What will the demand for voluntary offsets look like if it is estimated that the market needs to grow 15-fold by 2030 and 100-fold by 2050 in order to meet Paris Agreement ambition? The third and final installment of Ecosystem Marketplace’s 2020 State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets report, published yesterday, […]
EM Insights Brief: Closing the Carbon Offsets Issuances & Retirements Gap
State of the Carbon Offsets Standards’ Issuances & Retirements, 2021 Quarter 1
By Ecosystem Marketplace, a Forest Trends initiativeState of the Carbon Offsets Standards’ Issuances & Retirements, 2021 Quarter 1 Ecosystem Marketplace has aggregated data derived from standards’ registries, including Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), Gold Standard, American Carbon Registry, and Climate Action Reserve, Plan Vivo, and the California Air Resources Board to bring you the latest updates and historical roundup of independent […]
Mapping Potential Demand for Water Quality Trading in the United States
By Genevieve Bennett and Melissa GallantWater quality trading is a promising tool that offers a flexible, more cost-effective approach to reducing pollution in our waterways than more traditional engineered solutions. Yet a lack of sufficient demand for credits has been a consistent barrier to scaling up water quality trading in the United States. The National Network on Water Quality Trading […]