Katoomba XVIII Videoblog: Making PWS That Are Financially Viable, Environmentally Effective, And People Friendly
The Miyun Reservoir provides drinking water for more than 20 million people in one of the world’s great metropolises, but its core challenges are common around the world, as participants at the Katoomba XVIII meeting relay in these podcasts and videoblogs.
The Miyun Reservoir provides drinking water for more than 20 million people in one of the world’s great metropolises, but its core challenges aren’t much different than those of smaller waterbodies located in Ecuador, Peru, or the United State. We speak with Katoomba XVIII participats from those three countries.
20 May 2013 | BEIJING | People’s Republic of China | After a full day of intense presentations in Beijing and three days of workshops in the Miyun Reservoir, delegates to the 18th Katoomba meeting have developed a series of proposals for promoting the restoration of the watershed from which Beijing draws its water. We’ll be examining these proposals in the coming weeks, but for now here are some thoughts on the universal challenges faced by project developers.
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Reciprocal Watershed Agreements: Cheap, Easy, and Successful
In this podcast, Maria Teresa Vargas, Executive Director, Fundacií³n Natura Bolivia talks about how reciprocal agreements between communities to safeguard water resources have delivered environmental benefits and resilient livelihoods – and done it all in record time.
Watershed Interventions: What Not to Do
Cy Jones, Senior Fellow with the World Resources
Institute, addresses the audience at Katoomba XVIII on principles for designing effective watershed interventions and shares an example of a less-than-successful program in the USA.
Mark Kieser: What’s Your Watershed ROI?
Mark Kieser (Kieser and Associates) discusses the challenge of designing cost-effective watershed investment projects. He also brings us up to speed on a pilot project he’s working on in Peru’s Rimac Watershed as part of the Katoomba Incubator initiative.
Lucía Ruiz and Marta Echavarría: Connecting Watersheds in Peru and China
Lucía Ruiz (Ministry of Environment of Peru) and Marta Echavarría (EcoDecisií³n) were surprised to find China facing the same challenges as those faced in Peru (or Ghana, for that matter):
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