ANNOUNCING Call for Abstracts – Due November 1st, 2012
Call for Abstracts – Due Nov.1st, 2012
All individuals interested in ecosystem restoration on both the large-scale and small-scale level are invited to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation at NCER ’13. Abstracts will be published electronically online in the conference book of abstracts, as we strive to keep NCER as environmentally responsible as possible.
NCER 2013 Programmatic Themes and Topics are outlined on the conference web site. However, don’t feel limited to these areas – we want to capture emerging topics and new ideas critical to Ecosystem Restoration.For more information on formatting your abstract, submission instructions and topics for consideration, visit the Call for Abstracts section of the NCER ’13 web site.
Important Deadlines to Remember:
11-1-12 Deadline to Submit Abstracts
3-1-13 Presenter Selections Announced
4-2-13 Early Bird Registration Deadline
4-2-13 Deadline for Presenters to Register
6-1-13 Regular Registration Deadline
Abstract Submission Deadline: November 1st
What is NCER?
NCER is a national conference on ecosystem restoration presenting state-of-the art science and engineering, planning and policy in a partnership environment.
One of the country’s largest meetings on Ecosystem Restoration, NCER is only held every two years, and meets near large scale restoration programs including but not limited to the Missouri and Mississippi River Basins, the Louisiana Coastal Area, the Everglades, San Francisco Bay/Delta, Chesapeake Bay, the Great Lakes and Puget Sound, to name a few.
NCER 2013 will be held July 29 – August 2 at the Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center just outside Chicago, IL. Owned by the City/Villages of Schaumburg, the Renaissance has ample space to accommodate all of our meeting, poster and exhibit requirements quite comfortably. We hope you will make plans to attend this innovative and interactive conference which will attract more than 500 participants and feature presentations on every aspect of Ecosystem Restoration.
Who Should Attend NCER
A premier gathering of ecosystem restoration professionals from across the country, NCER is a collaborative effort and we invite you to join us and be part of the discussion!
NCER brings together scientists, engineers, managers, and policy makers who are actively involved in and/or affected by all aspects of ecosystem restoration. This includes:
• federal, state, and local agency personnel
• tribal governments
• water resource engineers & managers
• environmental consultants
• environmental policy managers
• ecologists and hydrologists
• modelers
• NGO’s
• students and academic researchers
• environmental interest groups
Benefits of Attending
Attendees will hear from a diverse group of experts on numerous critical restoration subjects. Here’s a glimpse at a handful of the hundreds of topics covered at NCER:
– Planning and Designing for Climate Change Impact
– Benefit Analysis and Project Justification
– Integrating Conservation Planning Methods
– Planning and Valuating Ecosystem Services
– Invasive Species Management
– Nutrient Reduction in Urban Estuaries
– Comparing Ecological Benefit Methods
– Adaptive Management and much, much more!
NCER also features optional Technical Training Field trips where attendees visit restoration programs underway or already completed in the Great Lakes Region. They’ll see first-hand how to plan ecologically and economically for future restoration projects.
Licensed engineers may also earn Professional Development Hours (PDHs) toward their license re-certification.
Be sure to put NCER 2013 in your TRAVEL BUDGET for 2013 and make plans to join us!
Executive Steering Committee
Conference Co-Chairs:
• Andy Buchsbaum, Regional Executive Director for the National Wildlife Federation’s Great Lakes Office
• Cameron Davis, Senior Advisor to the Administrator (Great Lakes), US EPA Great Lakes National Program Office
• Don Scavia, Graham Family Professor of Environmental Sustainability, University of Michigan
Conference Committee Chairs:
• Robert Daoust, ARCADIS US, Inc., Chair, Program Committee
• Cassondra Thomas, Cardno ENTRIX, Inc., Chair, Sponsorship Committee
• Miki Fujitsubo, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Chair, Field Trip Committee
• Cheryl Ulrich, Weston Solutions, Past Program Chair and SER Liaision
Beth Miller-Tipton, CMP, CGMP
Conference Coordinator
University of Florida | IFAS
Office of Conferences & Institutes
PO Box 110750
Bldg. 639 Mowry Rd.
Gainesville, FL 32611-0750| USA
PH 352-392-5930
FAX 352-392-9734