The recent Durban Climate Conference made important progress towards clarifying the international operational framework for Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), particularly on a prototype registry and core guidance for reporting. Will these recent developments foster international cooperation and accelerate NAMAs design and implementation in developing countries?
This open knowledge session, the first in a webinar series on NAMAs organized by WBI for the Mitigation Action Implementation Network (MAIN) and the global community, will address a range of key questions:
- Key outcomes of Durban related to NAMAs: Are there direct implications for climate & development policy-makers and practitioners at the national level? What further guidance on process and modalities can be expected in the short term?
- Update on NAMA proposals across sectors: Which lessons have been learned from early action framing low-emissions interventions as NAMAs?
Challenges ahead for NAMAs development and implementation: How can domestic and international support effectively be mobilized to advance evolving NAMA proposals?