30 November 2011, Indwe River Room, Durban Exhibition Centre
Start time: 11:30 am
End time: 01:00 pm
This event will discuss early insights on the capability of REDD+ projects to deliver on their goal of sequestering forest carbon while providing a range of co-benefits. The information presented will draw mainly on findings of CIFOR’s Global Comparative Study on REDD+. Presentations will be given on:
* the status and challenges of REDD+ projects on the ground;
* challenges encountered in establishing REDD+ in Africa;
* the policy and economic context in which REDD+ projects is unfolding; and
* the status of monitoring, reporting and verification in setting up REDD+.
Frances Seymour, Director General, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
* Erin Sills, Associate Professor, Department of Forestry and Environment Resources, North Carolina State University, USA
* Charles Meshak, Executive Director, Tropical Forest Conservation Group, Tanzania
* Maria Brockhaus, Scientist, Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
* Manuel Estrada, Independent Consultant, Spain
For more information, contact Levania Santoso of CIFOR at [email protected]