Creating Climate Wealth Summit

Creating Climate Wealth (CCW) brings together entrepreneurs, business leaders, policy experts, researchers, and thought leaders to unlock market-driven solutions for climate change. The CCW Summit series aims to fast-track the amazing wealth creation opportunity in reducing carbon in our industrial systems – an opportunity that we can use to create economic growth, generate entrepreneurial wealth, spur job creation, and make billion ton – GIGATON – carbon reductions.  
CCW is a 2-day workshop-driven summit, comprising a unique mix of 200 motivated executives, investors, entrepreneurs and other leaders from both private and public sectors. The workshop structure of the seminar is designed to discuss and test ideas that generate innovative business solutions. Working tracks include Energy Access, Energy Efficiency, Renewable Fuels, Sustainable Agriculture: Livestock, The Carbon Negative Economy, Trucking and Fleet Technology and Waste Reduction & Recycling. Watch this video overview of the CCW Summit to learn more.  

About the Carbon War Room
The Carbon War Room is a non-profit founded by Sir Richard Branson. The mission is to harness the power of entrepreneurs to unlock gigaton-scale, market-driven solutions to climate change. Over 50% of the climate change challenge can be addressed today – and profitably – under existing policy and technology conditions. Carbon War Room seeks to facilitate a better flow of capital to entrepreneurial solutions that make economic sense right now. Watch this brief YouTube video for the latest on the Carbon War Room.

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Creating Climate Wealth Summit

Creating Climate Wealth Summit, Washington DC, May 3-4, 2011

Investing $1.3 trillion each year in green sectors would deliver long-term stability in the global economy, a new UN report has suggested. Spending about 2 percent of global GDP in 10 key areas would kick-start a global low carbon, resource efficient green economy.  
Since the oil crises of the 1970s, billions of dollars have been pumped into technology development in the areas of energy efficiency, low carbon energy, efficient transportation, bio-fuels, and other areas. This investment has led to hundreds of breakthroughs that are today cost effective. Yet, full commercial utilization of these innovations and their financial rewards still elude us.
The 2011 Creating Climate Wealth Summit ( series aims to fast-track this amazing wealth creation opportunity—one we can use to create economic growth, entrepreneurial wealth, well paid jobs, and make billion ton (gigaton) carbon reductions.
The North America Summit kicks off the series on May 3-4 with Creating Climate Wealth, DC – an invitation only event – providing a unique workshop-driven convening of executives, investors, entrepreneurs, and leaders from the private and public sector. The purpose is to identify specific US pathways to accelerate deployment of green solutions in the face of low expectations and weak mandates.  
During the summit, delegates will address ways to bring existing technologies to scale, while meeting employment, economics and sustainability goals. The technologies are spread across seven clean tech tracks:  
Distributed Generation
Energy Efficiency
Island Nations
Renewable Fuels
Shipping and Freight
Sustainable Agriculture
The Future of Person Transportation.
Each working track begins ahead of the Summit with a Carbon War Room Research pre-read report on market barriers. Delegates will use their entrepreneurial expertise to problem-solve and technology expertise to build new approaches to delivering high-profit solutions.
Delegate Benefits:  
Full membership to the Carbon War Room  
Admission to 2 days of plenary and workshop discussion in one of the seven clean tech working tracks  
Access to leading clean technology finance, entrepreneurs and policymakers
One year membership  of Carbon War Room’s online communities and operations
One year subscription to the Creating Climate Wealth digital-only financial magazine
Invitation to the Climate Leadership Gala Dinner, 3 May, 2011 at the EPA Atrium, DC
Don’t miss other Creating Climate Wealth Summits in Sydney, Australia on 7-8 July and London, UK on 7-8 September.  
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