Carbon Expo 2010

Equip yourself with crucial information on the challenges and opportunities in the global Carbon Market. Carbon Markets have proven to be a fundamental tool to quickly spur economy-wide abatement activities and steer finance towards low carbon technologies. Nevertheless, a combination of market based approaches with additional policies and measures are needed to meet global climate aspirations. CARBON EXPO is the global platform to explore the detailed development of carbon markets worldwide and interrelated policies and measures that will shape the international climate regime of the future.

May 26-28, 2010

Opening times: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

Click here to register as a participant.


Carbon Expo 2010

Carbon Expo 2010:
Where the entire Carbon Market Value Chain meets

Global and Multilateral

This event, held at the heart of Europe, has established itself as the world’s leading global event for stakeholder in the Carbon Market in just five years. In 2009, 276 exhibitors from 83 countries and around 3,000 visitors from 111 countries attended the carbon market’s leading global trade fair and conference for emissions trading, carbon abatement solutions and new technologies in Barcelona for the first time.

Essential and Sustainable

CARBON EXPO is an international Trade Fair and Conference that had experienced a continuously successful growth. It is the primary platform for emissions trading, carbon abatement solutions and new technologies – a meeting point for learning, sharing experience and knowledge, as well as business matching opportunities, used not only by leading decision makers and experts from the worlds of business, policy, science and NGO’s but also traders and the financial sector.

Emissions rights purchasing contracts are not only set in motion, but also concluded.

The Carbon Market Cross-Road

The place where the most important messages get across – between the industry, project developers, buyers, decision makers, politicians and governments.

A One-Stop-Shop

Make sure you don’t miss out on this Trade Fair and Conference for your future.

May 26-28, 2010

Opening times
8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m

You want to participate at CARBON EXPO then register here.



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