UNFCCC Official Side Events (full schedule)
Agriculture and Rural Development Day
Organizers: Consortium
Time: 8:00-18:00
Location: Ritson Campus, Durban University of Technology
Official Side Event: Equal access to sustainable development: balancing carbon and financial budgets’
Themes: International cooperation and financial flows
Organizers: Research Centre for Sustainable Development (RCSD)
Time: 18:30—20:00
Location: Room 4
South-South Cooperation Between Costa Rica, Ecuador and Mexico on Lessons Learned from PES and Incentives for REDD and REDD+ (NOTE TIME CHANGE)
Themes: Intergovernmental dialog, REDD, Payments for Ecosystem Services
Organizers: Forest Trends
Time: 12:30-15:45
Location: Blue Waters Hotel
International Forest Carbon Association Meet and Greet
Themes: meet face to face with IFCA directors and members and discuss plans for 2012
RSVP: [email protected]
Time: 14:00+
Location: Durban Club; 93 – 96 Margaret Mncadi Avenue (also called Victoria Embankment); Durban, 4001
“Traditional” NGO Party
Themes: NGOs, networking and, well, partying
Time: 19:00-2:00
Location: Beach – “New Beach” area – Lower Marine Parade – opposite Dr Pixley Kaseme Street
circle. All with conference badges are welcome! Badge required for entrance.