Conference: REDD+: Technical, Socio-Economic, and Political Dimensions
This version of the annual ELTI-PRORENA conference explores the technical, socioeconomic, and political dimensions of REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation ‘Plus’). If designed and implemented correctly, REDD+ has the potential to generate a valuable stream of funding for initiatives that will conserve and restore important tracts of tropical forests. Alternatively, if the mechanism fails to adequately address potential pitfalls, REDD+ could compromise local livelihoods, affect traditional uses of forests, and enhance or catalyze corruption, among other problems.
Panama has been actively engaged in international negotiations and debates regarding REDD+ and government officials, indigenous communities, NGOs, and organizations of farmers, cattle ranchers, loggers and other agents of land transformation have begun to participate in REDD+ discussions and/or trainings. Considering that REDD+ activities will likely be adopted by the UNFCCC in 2011 at COP-17 in South Africa, the time is ideal to host a national-level conference that addresses some of the key issues surrounding REDD+ in Panama and many other countries actively engaged in REDD+ preparations in the neotropics.
- Provide a forum for REDD+ related actors in Panama to advance their understanding of the technical, governance, and socio-economic dimensions of REDD+.
- Create a space for dialogue and exchange that will inform the effective design and development of a REDD+ mechanism in Panama.
PANEL 1. REDD+: the Global Scheme and Panama
- Catherine Potvin, McGill University/Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- ANAM, To Be Designated
PANEL 2. Technical Dimensions of REDD+
- Helene Muller-Landau, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Joseph Mascaro, Carnegie Institution for Science/Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
- Lucio Pedroni, Carbon Decisions International
PANEL 3. Forest Governance and REDD+
- Benjamin Cashore, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
- Bastiaan Louman, Tropical Agronomic Center for Research and Teaching (CATIE)
- Alexis Alvarado, Dobbo Yala Foundation
PANEL 4. Socioeconomic Dimensions of REDD+
- Marina Campos, Rainforest Foundation
- Estebancio Castro, International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the Tropical Forests
- Betanio Chiquidama, National Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Panama (COONAPIP)
- Rhett Butler,
PANEL 5. REDD+: Beyond Avoided Deforestation
- Celia Harvey, Conservation International
- Florencia Montagnini, Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
PANEL 6. REDD+ in Action
- Gabriel Labbate, United Nations Environment Programme
- Mariana Pavan, Institute for the Conservation and Sustainable Development of Amazonas (IDESAM)
- Lucio Pedroni, Carbon Decisions International
- Tiffany Potter, Streamline Consulting Group
Looking Ahead: REDD+ Challenges & Opportunities – International and Regional Perspectives
- Catherine Potvin, McGill University/Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
Contact Information
Cecilia Del Cid-Liccardi: [email protected]