Verified Carbon Standard Changes Name To Verra
As carbon standards like the Verified Carbon Standard and the Gold Standard expand their coverage to compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals, old names often no longer apply. To reflect that, the Verified Carbon Standard, which began as the Voluntary Carbon Standard, has now changed its name to “Verra”.

15 February 2018 | As of today, the organization that began as the Voluntary Carbon Standard and then became the Verified Carbon Standard is now called “Verra“, to reflect its broadening coverage of attributes associated with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
The Verified Carbon Standard continues to exist as one category of standardization, along with the Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standards, the California Offset Project Registry, the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard, and others.
The new tagline is “Standards for a sustainable future.”
“VCS was founded to allow actors to go above and beyond what had been committed under the Kyoto Protocol, and has already helped avoid or remove almost 250 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent of shutting down 62 coal-fired power plants for one year” said David Antonioli, Verra CEO. “With our newest standards under development, such as the Landscape Standard and the Sustainable Development Verified Impact Standard, we are taking that track record and applying it to new arenas where practical and robust standards can drive additional investment to ensure a sustainable future.” said Antonioli.
“As the VCS, we’ve always looked to support actors with vision and to ensure the credibility of the carbon market,” said John Drexhage, Verra Board Chair. “Now, the transition to Verra reflects that we’re also bringing new standards frameworks to the table. We are working to lead the post-2020 agenda for private investment in emission reductions and sustainability initiatives,” said Drexhage.
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